guess that will pay for the gasolene and everything. You keep the rest.”
“It won’t come to anything like that,” Dick protested. “The crackers are—”
“We don’t want to hear how much they are,” laughed the second lady. “They might not taste so well, and when you haven’t had a mouthful to eat since eleven o’clock—”
“Never mind about counting it up,” said the man to Dick, genially. “That five dollar bill will cover it all.”
“Thank you,” replied Dick, gravely.
The chauffeur appeared with the gasolene poured it into the tank, and tossed the can to Dick.
“Poorest stuff I ever saw,” he muttered savagely as he climbed to his seat. “All right, sir?”
“Go ahead,” replied the gentleman beside him. The car sprang forward and in a moment had disappeared in a cloud of dust. Dick went back to the store.
“Did they pay you?” asked Harry, eagerly.
“I should say they did.” Dick exhibited the five-dollar bill. “He said this would pay for the