They looked at each other doubtfully. The plan didn’t seem to awaken much enthusiasm.
“That’s all right,” said Roy, “but if he did hear us—”
“I don’t believe he’d actually attack us,” said Dick.
“It didn’t look like it, did it?” asked Chub, sarcastically. “Oh, no, he’s a nice little playful pet, he is.”
“Well, we can’t stay here all night,” said Dick. “And for all we know there may not be anybody in the barn.”
“Of course there is! Do you think they’d go away and leave the back of the house all open like this?”
“Well, with that animal out there I guess they’d be safe to put the family silver on the front piazza,” retorted Roy. “But I guess there’s some one around somewhere. There’s a fire in the stove and that looks as though they meant to get supper.” The mention of supper brought back Chub’s valor.
“Well, come on, and let’s try the front-door trick. Go easy, fellows.”
They tiptoed across the kitchen, through the