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ſeede of that heauenly race: It is an old ſaying and rightly reported, that Hercules and Bacchus going downe to hell, they were inſtituted in holly orders, and that they were emboldned to goe thither of the Goddeſſe Eleunſina. But they which being wrapped in wickednes haue led an vngodly life, are ſnatched vp by the Furies, and by them carried through the loweſt hell into deepe darkenes and vtter confuſion, where the place and abode of the wicked is, and where the three ſcore daughters of Danaus dwell, whoſe punishment is continually to fill a fort of bottomleſſe veſſels, where alſo is to bee ſeene the vnquencheable thirſt of Tantalus, the gnawen Entrailes of Titius, and the endles ſtone of Siſiphus, whoſe end beginneth a newe labour. There bee they rent of wilde a newe labour. There bee they rent of wilde beaſts, continually ſcorched with burning Lamps pained with all kind of torments, and afflicted with endleſſe pennance. Theſe thinges I remember that I haue heard Gobrias tell; but you Axiochus may iudge of them as you lift. Only this I know and alluredly hold faſt that euery mans minde is immortall and paſſing out of this life feeelth no griefe nor ſorrowe. VVherefore O Axiochus whether thou be carryed unto thoſe higheſt Palaces or lower Vawts, needes muſt it bee that thou ſhalt bee bleſſed becauſe thou haſt liued well and godly.

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