Axiochus of
Plato, or a Dialogue
of Death, being both ſhort
and very Elegant.
Socrates Clinias. Axiochus.
S I went one day to my common ſchoole Lynofargus, and being in the waye by Elizeus, I might heare the voice of one calling aloude to me, Socrates. And turning me about to ſee whence it came, I ſaw Clinias Axiochus his ſonne, together with Damon the Muſitian & Charmides, the ſonne of Glauco running haſtely toward Callirrhoe, whereof the one was a Maiſter and proſeſſor of the Arte of Muſicke, & the other by means of great familiarity & acquaintance, did both loue him, and alſo was of him beloued; whereupon I thought good, leuing my ready way, to go meet them, that I might the ſooner vnderſtand his meaning. Then Clinias burſting out in teares, O