Walking arm against arm, 21 *, laws of, 84 ; sanctioned, 200 ; riding and rowing compared, 203. Wasp, sloop of war, 251. "Watch-paper, the old gen- tleman's, 257. "Water, the white-pine pail of, 244. Wedding, the, 380. Weddin'g-presents, the, 377. Wellington, gentle in his old age, 96. What we all think, 177. Will, compared to a drop of water in a crystal, 101. Willows in Maine, 350. Wine of ancients, 78. Wit takes imperfect views of things, 58. Woman, an excellent instru- ment for a nerve-player, 166 ] to love a, must see her through a pin-hole, 271 ; must be true as death, 330 marks of low and bad blood in, 330 ; love-ca- pacity in, 330 ; pride in, 330 -, why she should not say too much, 331. Women, young, advice to, 56 ', inspire poets, 221 5 their praise the poet's re- ward, 221 •, first to detect a poet, 222 j all men love all, 268 5 all, love all men, 269 ; pictures of, 270 -, who have weighed all that life can offer, 337. Woodbridge, Benjamin, his grave, 292, 294. World, old and new, com- parison of their types of organization, 289 Writing with feet in hot water, 8 5 like shooting with a rifle, 32. Y. Yes ? in conversation, 21. Young Fellow called John, 63, 76, 86, 93, 120, 135, 211, 226, 234, 235, 253, 266, 281, 307, 314, 320, 372, 378. Young Lady come to be fin- ished off, 11. Youth, flakes off like button- wood bark, 185 ; American, not perfect type of physical humanity, 206 5 and age, what Author means by, 242 Z. ZiMMERMANN, 7. Cambridge : Printed by Welch, Eigelow, & Co.