outset of education is the first quality that strikes a teacher; but as Allan began to feel his way and get holding ground, when he had once seen why a rule was given, or a principle laid down, his clear logical mind led him further in its application than his teacher could follow him. There was of come for a long time, along with this comprehensive view of the bearings of a subject, great ignorance of its devils, but Amy felt that her education had not stopped abruptly as she had feared, for this constant reference to her opinion and authority of a mind older and more powerful than her own, carried her back to old lessons which she might have forgotten, and at the same time forward in a direction into which few school girls are ever led, and towards subjects to which her father might not have called her attention. Jessie Lindsay, too, was desirous of learning something, but a little would satisfy her; she knew she was too old to be made a scholar of, and besides she had not time to give to books. It was a first only an hour or two in the evening, after the day's work was over, that Allan could devote to make up for lost time, and he was so necessary to his father that if he did try to snatch a little leisure during the day, the old man would call for him and make him leave off. The