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tn a fi>mOiat.U it Iiopid,vaiaiiiit0ie1iimia Student ai Jmic* — -' .. ^—

and dliHsctneu of arroRfflwtl oon effict. Tluv anjntiUihed at inwn an oteulw lola in 1^ a<Aoolt b] Ot UtMid KinfdtMi and

JBvdidfor OoUegu and ScKooU.

SyI.ToDHDBTiai,M.A.F.a8. I Algebra for Begiimen.


Trigmometfy for Begii

Algdmtfor Begimurt.

BrI.TODHUVTEB, ILA. ?,B.8. ISnto. ii.M.—.

Edition. ISmo. 2t. ad.

Medui,nic» for Begwmert.

B7 L ToDHUmBK. ISmo. ii. M.

Tht SdhmA CloM Book of ArUhmdie.

By Baknabd Smith, M.A. Puts I. and IL ISmo. Uiup cloth, prlog IM. eacli. Put III. li. lorThneFutainooeVolums, p[le« Si.— KJfF. Com- plete, ISmo. e>. eil. Oi gapantel;. Puts L II. A III. it. td. HOh.

Mythology for Latin Veriifiealion.

A Brief Sket'^lL or the PB.l>lfia of the Anctenta, prepu^d to tw rendend Int* F. C. HoDoaoB, M.A. Fellow of Shiga College, Cambridge, l^o. St.

A Latin OraAaalfor Beginners.

A Fint lAtln CoDatmiug Book. B7 Edwabs Tbhjvo, U.A. ISmo. Bf. Ad

lM»tm» m Elementary Botany.

The Put on Systematic Botu^ based upon UateriaJ left fnUamiacript by the late Pcofeeeor Hsbbuiw. With neuly Two Hundred UlngtrBtloiiB. By D*iiiM.0uvEE,F.R8. F.L.8. ISmo. cloth. *i. fld.

X«Mon« in Mementa/ry Phyeiology.

with nmnenms niDBtntJons. Sg 1. K. HuiLn, F.B.B. Frofiaioi of Ifatunl History to the OoTeituneut School oT Ulues. ISmo. ii. 6d.

Popular .:l((rondm^.

A Beriea at Lsetuiei dellTered at' Ipcwlotu By Qwaai Bimiiu. Aibt, ArtronomeT BoyaL ISmo. clotb, 4i. Od.

£«»on« tn Elementary Ckemiilry.

"- " " " ",8. ProfaBso-

u UlnatTBtlon.

E. F.RS^ ProfeBBor or Chemlady Id Owens College, H IS. ISmo. ctoUL tt. id.

n SlemenUxry Iiti^oduction to Sit Book of Common Prayer. ByFaanoiaf^oimB, ILA., and a. F. Uaoliab, BD. ISmo. Si. (kf.

r«Qnliiiter Si^ooL ISmo. dotli. 3i. M.

Th* Bible in the Church.

A Fopulai Accoont 01 the Collection and Baceptlon of ths Holy Scriptnni In the Christian Chorches. By Bhooes Foes WWioott, RD. ISmo. it. Cd. Tht Bible Word Book.

A OloBsaiy of Old English Bible Words. By J. EaBTWOOD, M.A. and W . AlpisWbiobt, M.A. ISmo. Ej. Sd.


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