amusement, unenlivened by a single sharp piece of banter or a single spark of wit, continued for nearly two hours, and all through the storm of hideous noises there were constant groans for an unpopular pro-proctor of the name of West, who, however, as he shewed himself at one of the doors, was more frequently saluted by the diffusive soubriquet of "Washy." At last, I should think to the relief of everybody, the great doors were thrown open, and the organ pealed forth "God save the Queen," accompanied by a thousand mingling voices, as the Vice-Chancellor, with his little following of red-gowned doctors, marched in. Sir Charles Nicholson was among the doctors. The only persons of distinction that I noticed were Mr. Gladstone and Lord Westbury. The persons to receive the honorary degree of D.C.L. on this occasion were, the Brazilian Minister, Lord Palmerston. Sir Edmund Head, Sir James Outram, Sir Roundell Palmer, Dr. Jeremie, Dr. Thomas Watson, Professor Wheatstone, and Henry Taylor the poet The names of Palmerston and Outram were enthusiastically and repeatedly cheered, but the others did not appear to be objects of special favour. As the Vice-Chancellor read out the first