quiet, and as soon as these good people have succeeded in setting the Carriage to rights and turning the Horses round, the best thing we can do will be to measure back our steps into the Turnpike road and proceed to Hailsham, and so Home, without attempting anything farther. Two hours take us home, from Hailsham, and when once at home, we have our remedy at hand, you know. A little of our own Bracing Sea air will soon set me on my feet again. Depend upon it, my Dear, it is exactly a case for the Sea. Saline air and immersion will be the very thing. My sensations tell me so already.’ In a most friendly manner Mr. Heywood here interposed, entreating them not to think of proceeding till the ankle had been examined, and some refreshment taken, and very cordially pressing them to make use of his House for both purposes. ‘We are always well stocked,’ said he, ‘with all the common remedies for Sprains and Bruises, and I will answer for the pleasure it will give my Wife and daughters to be of service to you and this Lady in every way in their power.’ A twinge or two, in trying to move his foot, disposed the Traveller to think rather more as he had done at first of the benefit of immediate assistance, and consulting his wife in the few words of ‘Well, my Dear, I believe it will be better for us,’ turned again to Mr. Heywood and said: ‘Before we accept your Hospitality, Sir, and in order to do away any unfavourable impression which the sort of wild-goose chase you find me in may have given rise to, allow me to tell you who we are. My name is Parker—Mr. Parker of Sanditon; this Lady, my wife, Mrs. Parker. We are on our road home from London. My name, perhaps, though I am by no means the first of my Family, holding Landed Property in the Parish of Sanditon, may be unknown at this distance from the Coast; but Sanditon itself—everybody has heard of Sanditon, the favourite, for a young and rising