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Sampson Low and Co.'s

Heber's (Bishop) Illustrated Edition of Hymns. With

upwards of zoo Designs engraved in the first style of art tinder the superintendence of J. D. Cooper. Small 410. Handsomely bound, 7*- &f

Hitherto. By the Author of " The Gayworthys," Hew Edition. 6s.

Hoge — Blind Bartimaeus. Popular edition, is.

Holmes (Oliver W.) The Guardian Angel ; a Romance. a vols. 16*.

—— (Low's Copyright Series.) Boards, is. 6d. ; cloth, zs.

—— Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. i2mo. is. ; Illus- trated edition, y. td

—— The Professor at the Breakfast Table. 3s. 6cL

—— Songs in Many Keys. Post 8vo. 7-r. 6d.

——Mechanism in Thought and Morals. i2mo. is. 6d.

Home Theatre (The), by Mary Healy. Small post 8vo. y. td

Homespun, or Twenty Five Years Ago in America, by Thomas Lackland. Fcap. 8vo. js. 6d.

Hoppin (Jas. M.) Old Country, its Scenery, Art, and People. Post 8vo. 7*. td.

Howell (W. D.) Italian Journeys. i2mo. cloth. &r. 6d.

Hugo's Toilers of the Sea. Crown 8vo. df.; fancy boards, as. ; doth, as. 64. ; Ill u strated Edition, xor. td.

Hunt (Leigh) and S. A. Lee, Elegant Sonnets, with Essay on Sonneteers, a vols. 8vo. z&r .

—— Day by the Fire. Fcap. dr. 6d.

Huntington (J.D., D.D.) Christian Believing. Crown 8vo. 3*. td.

Hymnal Companion to Book of Common Prayer. See Bickersteth.

Ice, a Midsummer Night's Dream. Small Post 8vo. 3s. 6d.

ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, suitable for Christmas, Birthday, or Wedding Presents. (The full titles of which will be found in the Alphabet.)

Anderson's Fairy Tales. 25*

Werner (Carl) Nile Sketches. 3* ior.

Goethe's Faust illustrations by P. Konbwka. xor. td.

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