List of Publications.
Books for School Frizes and Presents, continued.
Tauchnitz's German Authors. (See Tauchnitz.)
Twenty Years Ago. 4s.
Under the Blue Sky. js. 6d.
Whitney's (Mrs.) Books. {See Alphabet.)
Bowen (Francis) Principles of Political Economy. 8vo. 14*.
Bowles (T. G.) The Defence of Paris, narrated as it was Seen. 8vo. 14*.
Boynton (Charles B., D.D.) Navy of the United States, with Illustrations of the Ironclad Vessels. 8vo. 3 vols. 2/.
Bremer (Fredrika) Life, Letters, and Posthumous Works. Crown 8vo. 10s. 6d.
Brett (E.) Notes on Yachts. Fcp. 6s.
Broke (Admiral Sir B. V. P., Bart., K.C.B.) Biography Of. i/.
Browne (J. R. Adventures in the Apache Country. Post 8vo. 8s. 6d.
Burritt (E.) The Black Country and its Green Border Land : or. Expeditions and Explorations round Birmingham, Wolver- hampton, «c. By Elihu Burritt. Second and cheaper edition. Post 8vo. 6s.
A Walk from London to John O'Groat's, and from London to the Land's End and Back. With Notes by the Way. By Elihu Bureitt. Two vols. Price 6s. each, with Illustrations.
——— The Lectures and Speeches of Elihu Burritt. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, 6s.
——— Burroughs (John), See Wake Robin.
Bush (R. J.) Reindeer, Dogs, and Snow Shoes : a Journal of Siberian Travel 8vo. 12s. 6d.
Bushnell's (Dr.) The Vicarious Sacrifice. Post 8vo. 7s. 6s.
——— Nature and the Supernatural. Post 8vo. 3s.. 6d.
——— Christian Nurture. 3*. 6d.
——— Character of Jesus. 6d.
——— The New Life. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d.