have a lesson or a story, and when you lie under it you will find it a real comforter,' said Aunt Pen, who wanted to arouse the child and teach her something better even than the good old-fashioned accomplishment of needlework.
'I don't see how I can put that sort of thing into it,' answered Patty, as she gently lifted puss into her lap, instead of twitching the red bit roughly from under her.
'There goes a nice little piece of kindness this very minute,' laughed Aunt Pen, pointing to the cat and the red square.
Patty laughed also, and looked pleased as she stroked Mother Bunch, while she said thoughtfully—
'I see what you mean now. I am making two kinds of patchwork at the same time; and this that I see is to remind me of the other kind that I don't see.'