stairs, and to our great amusement, Nannette walked into the room, straight up to my bedside, and stood there looking at me with her mild yellow eyes as if she was quite used to seeing night-caps. Marie followed with a pretty little bowl in her hand, and said, laughing at our surprise, 'See, dear mademoiselle; in this way I make sure that the milk is quite fresh and warm;' and kneeling down, she milked the bowl full in a twinkling, while Nannette quietly chewed her cud and sniffed at a plate of rolls on the table.
The warm draught was delicious, and we drank each our portion with much merriment.
'It is our custom,' said Françoise; who stood by with her arms folded, and looked on in a lofty manner.
'What had you for your own breakfast?' I asked, as I caught Marie's eye hungrily fixed