™' S XV11 ] Recent Literature 633
Phillips, Charles. A Review of the Winter Visitant Birds in Minne- sota for 1919-1920. (Fins, Feathers and Fur, No. 22. June, 1920.) Adams, William C. Winter Feeding of Birds. (Bull. Amer. Game. Protective Asso. July, 1920.) — With illustrations of ducks making use of holes in the ice on Lake Ontario. Brooks, Alan. The Trumpeter Swan in British Columbia. (Lon- don Field, July 31, 1920.) — -By no means extinct. Has known it for thirty years and there has been little change in its numbers, was never common nor does it associate large flocks. Baker, E. C. Stuart. The Game Birds of India. (Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc, XXVI, No. 4, 1920, pp. 885-906.)— The Tragopans. Inglis, C. M. O'Donel, H. V. and Shebbeare, E. D. A Tentative List, of the Vertebrates of the Jalpaiguri District, Bengal. Part II. Birds (Ibid. pp. 988-999.)— An annotated list. Donald, C. H. The Birds of Prey of the Punjab. (Ibid. pp. 1000- 1002.) Robinson, H. C. and Kloss, C. Boden. On a Collection of Birds from North-eastern Sumatra. (Jour. Straits Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, No. 80, May, 1919, pp. 73-133.)— There are described as new: Macropygia ruficeps sumatranus (p. 77) ; Brachylophus chlorolophus van- heysti (p. 97); Cyomis vanheysti (p. 104); and Buchanga leucophaea (p. 125). In the same journal and under the same title "Part II" (No. 81, March, 1920, pp. 79-115.) is a report on an additional collection from the same locality, district of Deli, with the following new forms : Cryptolopha moniis (p. 99); Pyconotus bimaculatus barat (p. 103); and Tephrodornis pelvica (p. 109). Laubmann, A. Contribution to our Knowledge of the Forms of Alcedo atthis. (Archiv. fur Naturg., 1918 (LXXXIV) Abt. A. heft 7, pp. 43-82.) [In German.] Additional Publications Received. Avicultural Magazine. XI, No. 9. September, 1920. Bird Notes and News. IX, No. 2. Summer, 1920. Bluebird. XII, Nos. 6-8. May- July 1920. British Birds. XIV, No. 4. September, 1920. Bulletin Charleston Museum. XVI, No. 5. May, 1920. Directory of Officials and Organizations Concerned with the Protec- tion of Birds and Game, 1920. (U. S. Dept. Agr. Department Circular 131.) Emu, The. XX, Part 1. July, 1920. McClymont, J. R. Essays on Early Ornithology and Kindred Subjects. London, B. Quaritch, 1920. Records of the Australian Museum. XII, Nos. 1-9; XIII, No. 2. South Australian Ornithologist. V, Part 3. July, 1920.