said, unconvincingly, "Impossible!"
"Is it? Why?"
"Because we'd have met them long before now. They'd have got to us first."
"What, if they've a hundred times farther to come? Or if they're a young species one-tenth our age but already nearly level with us?"
"Look here," said Pascoe, taking on the same expression as the other had for weeks, "there are troubles enough without you going out of your way to invent more."
Nevertheless, when the ship landed he was still mulling every possible aspect of the matter and liking it less every minute.
A Sector Four official entered the cabin bearing a wad of documents.
"Lieutenant Vaughan, at your service, commodore," he enthused.
"I trust you have had a pleasant and profitable run."
"It could have been worse," Leigh responded.
Radiating good will, Vaughan went on, "We've had a signal from Markham at Assignment Office on Terra. He wants you to check equipment, refuel and go take a look at Binty."
"What name?" interjected Pascoe.
"Heaven preserve us! Binty!" He sat down hard, stared at the wall. "Binty!" He played with his fingers, voiced it a third time. For some reason best known to himself he was hypnotized by Binty. Then in tones of deep suspicion he asked, "Who reported it?"
"Really, I don't know. But it ought to say here." Vaughan obligingly sought through his papers. "Yes, it does say. Fellow named Archibald Boydell."
"T knew it," yelped Pascoe. "I resign. I resign forthwith."
"You've forthwith at least twenty times in the last eight years," Leigh reminded.
"I mean it this time."
"You've said that, too." Leigh sighed.
Pascoe waved his hands around. "Now try to calm yourself and look at this sensibly. What space-outfit which is sane and wearing brown boots would take off for a dump with a name like Binty?"
"We would," said Leigh. He waited for blood pressure to lower, then finished, "Wouldn't we?"
Slumping into his seat Pascoe glowered at him for five minutes before he said, "I suppose so. God help me, I must be weak." A little glassy eyed, he shifted attention to Vaughan. "Name it again in case I didn't hear right."
"Binty," said Vaughan, unctuously apologetic. "He has coded it 0/0.9/E5 which indicates the presence of an intelligent but backward life form."
"Does he make any remark about the place?"
"One word," informed Vaughan, consulting the papers again. "Ugh!"
Pascoe shuddered.