*T mean that baby-face!" was the old man's determined retort. "For this thing has got to go through!"
"It's gone through!" ground out the heavier voice.
"Not the way I intend it to," shrilly corrected the other. "And if the girl's dead the first thing we've got to do is to get her out of that bed!"
"Her? Who?"
"The body, of course!"
"But get it where?" demanded the other, apparently still dazed.
"Why, out of sight, up-stairs, on the roof, anywhere!"
"But how is that going to help us?"
That stodgy doctor, it was plain to see, had a tendency to travel by freight.
"Why, if that Ledwidge woman can be trusted, it's going to do more than help us. It's going to save the day for us."
"I'd trust that trained nurse with anything," announced the doctor. "She's been on our side from the moment she stepped into this house."
"We'll need her there," amended the little old man's voice. "We can't make a dead woman write her name. That's perfectly true. But if you're