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¬strongest and most animated feelings of his own, to become the torpedo of the Armatian cabinet. ¬" That you may fully understand this answer, I ought to premise that it was not even alleged in it, that the suppliant monarch had forfeited his claim to the compassion or favour of Armata, as he was covered all over with assurances of the warmest friendship ; yet his Majesty's con- currence in the preservation or re-establishment of peace with the powers in question, was pro- mised only through means compatible with his dignity, and with the principles which governed his conduct ; and that the same reasons which had induced him to take no part in the internal affairs of Capetia, ought equally to induce him to respect the rights and independence of other sovereigns, especially those who were in friendship with himself. The mediation was thus declined with another concluding reason : — because the war being now begun, the inter' ¬mention ¬