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CHAPTER VI. ¬In -which More en still continvvs his Account of the Island of Armata. ¬" This memorable eera in the history of Armata may perhaps be considered as almost the first in which her representative constitution exhibited any proofs of dangerous imperfection. — The crown (as I have said) was rapidly acquiring the administration of a great revenue, and a suffi- cient guard had not been placed upon its influ- ence in the public councils, without which no forms of election, however free and extensive, can secure a wise and prudent administration; but the evil must manifestly be greater when the popular council, erected as the balance of a monarchical state, does not emanate from the people, but in its greater part from the crown which is to be balanced, and from a body of nobles, powerful from rank and property, who are to be balanced also ; and who have besides ¬a scale ¬