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¬life, when fainting in my arms her angel form seemed to grow lighter and lighter, and to escape from me with her dying breath — But surely, wherever our lots may be cast hereafter, the souls of those who loved as we did can never be divided. ¬I was now resolved that nothing should pre- vent my immediate attempt to return to the earth. — I collected all my nautical observations, and Morven having tendered me his purse to any extent, I continued the engagement which I had secretly begun, and prepared for my voyage, doubtful and dangerous as it was. — The passage, I found, would in its beginning be circuitous, requiring only a coaster's skill, until my vessel should reach the open sea ; I put her therefore under the care of her owner, and ac- cepted the offer of my beloved friend to accom- pany me himself to the more distant shore, where I might commit myself at once to the only Pilot that could then shape the course I was to pursue — the Divine Providence which ¬had ¬