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¬not only to our country, but to our world, dis- puting the prize of the finest woman in Lon- don, and asking her father's preference, how- ever much he might be his friend — Need I add that my own thoughts rebuked me ? — I felt all I owed to the noble-minded Morven, but my honour forbad me to promise what it might not enable me to perform. — I saw Morvina almost at the moment, to whom he had given similar commands, and who, for the same reason, had silently received them. ¬I shall not attempt to affect the reader with a tender story. — All people who are in love are so very much the same, that it may be one reason why the general run of novels so strongly re- semble one another. — It is a most difficult kind of composition. — There is but one Tom Jones, one Guy Mannering, and Landlords are more apt to distress us for their rents, than to delight us with such tales as only one of them I ever heard of had to tell. — Yet were I not re- strained by the fear of failure, I might be ¬tempted ¬