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¬mind is not sufficiently at rest to enjoy. — When you have acquired the language of this country, it will then be as open to you as to myself, and the best service I can now render you, is to direct your course ; lest, after burying yourself beneath the thousands of volumes which under my roof will be at your command, hereafter, you might find yourself but little wiser than when you began. Useful history lies within a narrow compass, and all I shall attempt for the present will be to give you such a bird's-eye view of the renowned and powerful Island of Armata, as will best enable you to pursue your own inquiries. — When you have the structure faithfully delineated, you will find your own way through its various apartments, and ex- amine their contents as your particular taste and judgment may direct you." ¬I could not help here interrupting my friend, much as impatience was on the stretch, by re- marking that the name of Armata was most ap- propriate, having been just wrecked in full ¬sight ¬