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¬his opponent, would have left him but little to receive, even if the carpenter could have paid ; hut receiving nothing at all, he took him to prison for the debt, which was swelled by the expenses to more than double the sum. — But the poor baker, thus receiving nothing from his prisoner, and not being able to pay his attorney for the proceedings and the portraits, he was sued himself, and was soon taken to prison also, and the plaintiff and defendant now sit opposite. — But the attorney was just in the same condition as his client, whom he had sued; as, by getting nothing from the baker, he was unable to pay for the portraits which the paper-merchant had sold him, and he was sued and carried to prison himself, where he met with the gentleman who is now his partner, viz. the attorney for the carpenter, he having been sued for the portraits also, which he had bought for the carpenter's defence — and being cast into the same prison the gaoler has got the whole covey. — They have not amongst them all the smallest coin in circulation, yet they are as eager at ¬their ¬