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¬made my bow to him, heartily glad to get away ; but Morven stopped me by saying, that I must wait until the boot was unloaded, as the deeds disposed of had all been in the body of the coach, and I was detained above half an hour longer. — I found afterwards, upon inquiry, that I stood in the place of nominal B. and was pro- prietor in law to this troublesome man's use. ¬There is yet another evil which visits, or rather overwhelms, all their jurisdictions, though it bears the heaviest when landed property is in question, but it extends to the proceedings of all courts, and to almost all the transactions of mankind. — Upon every page of their voluminous mass of records, and evidence, and process, which if set fire to in Armata, though but a speck upon that planet, might not only be seen from our earth, but perhaps be viewed with alarm as a comet by all worlds — Yes — upon every page of all this accumulation of writing, there must be a miniature impression of their King; without which no suitor can be heard, ¬m 3 nor ¬