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¬tremblingly alive to the justice of decision, and most unwearied in the discharge of his multi- plied and momentous trusts.— I asked him how he could possibly exist in such a scene as I have described: he laughed and said to me, " You may go and ask the first salamander you meet, how he lives in the fire ? I have been here all my life." ¬I found that this great Court had another Judge who sat separately, a person of great learning and eloquence, and that on account of the evils I have been describing, they had lately recourse to another ; but, for my own part, I could see enough to be quite sure that if as many more were added to them as there are Martello towers upon our coast of Sussex, it would be just such a reform in judicature, as the others were in war.— The delays are inseparable from that Babelof jurisdictions I have described, and from a system of conveyancing, commenc- ing, as the reader must have seen, in fraud and rapacity, but which, being afterwards sanctioned ¬by ¬