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¬ratively nothing, be trained up in corresponding acquirements, and rewarded by similar applause? ¬As I had complained so much of neither see- ing nor hearing as I wished, Morven, who was now again my companion, carried me the next day to an apartment near the stage where all these defects were removed. — I was presented to the proprietor, who said there were all kind of refreshments at my command ; he was an old man of the most interesting aspect, and there was something in his manners far beyond fashion in the benignity of his whole deportment. — When the play was over, he said he would carry me to some favourite music at another theatre, where I found, to my surprize, the same accom- modation ; servants in waiting, and carriages to attend us to our houses, or wherever we chose to go : I accepted one of them, and, as we passed to a distant quarter, Morven said to me, 11 That extraordinary person, whose acquaintance you have just made, is one of the richest men in Armata, but differing from many others in ¬i the ¬