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¬nients all around 'them, that had my heart been disengaged, it must have been at a loss where to fix. — Most of them indeed when in youth, " might have lain by an Emperor s side to com' " maud him tasks. — And as to those who had passed that prime season, I found them also, upon acquaintance, to be just what the wisest of us in England would wish to see in the dearest of our kindred or our friends — I met with very few who were debauched in their principles, or disqualified by habits of dissipation for the offices of domestic life ; they knew all that women ought to know ; they spoke of the scenes they mixed in very much as I have done myself, and preserved, in the midst of them, the same moral feelings, the same affection for their families, and the same attention to their duties, that the simplest times ever knew. ¬It often brought to my mind the words of Solomon, most usefully corrective of a very general disposition to lind fault with the age in ¬which ¬