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¬I was the more surprized at this strange per* version of taste, and abandonment of all comfort) when I was afterwards introduced into their private societies, whieh were every where de- lightful. — I forbear to dwell upon them, lest I should seem to he casting into the shade even English accomplishments and beauty. — I shall content myself therefore with saying, that almost every woman I saw when drawn out from the confused masses where I had seen them before, or rather not seen them, appeared like the sun himself when emerged from clouds ¬
'&' ¬ that had obscured him. — From the great care, even from infancy, of their hair, their teeth, their complexions, and their whole persons, beauty had almost ceased to be a distinction* and when I afterwards became acquainted with the language, I found them so amiable in their dispositions, and captivating in their manners, so delightful in conversation, so highly accom- plished, so well instructed in all useful know- ledge, and so domestic in the midst of allure- ¬h ments ¬