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¬its rise, on their parts, from the extraordinary circumstance of seeing among them, as a familiar guest, the inhabitant of an unknown world; and on my part, in remarks upon customs so very unaccountable, and differing so entirely from our own. There was great restraint and diffi- culty in the outset, but Morvina, having un- dertaken the office of interpretess, I ventured, after a few glasses of excellent wine, to ask this question, which, from curiosity or politeness, seemed to engage very general attention : ¬" With the means and faculties for such plea- sant and rational society as I am now enjoying, why, may I ask, arc health and enjoyment sacrificed to tumultuous and unmeaning assem- blies, which seem to form the grand business of all the rank and opulence of your great city?" ¬The fair interpretess, after having, no doubt, proposed my question, and conversed for some time with those who were to resolve it, now ad- dressed me in English, nearly as follows: — ¬c 4 " Although, ¬