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¬ment reduce us to ashes, and perhaps shrivel up like a scroll even the world which we inhabit. ¬I shall not describe the other places we went to, as they Merc all precisely the same, except that I Mas told there was at one a celebrated concert, which, being passionately fond of music, I endeavoured to approach ; but it being, it seems, a kind of mongrel, between a public subscription and a private party, all access to be within distinct hearing was impossible. — I was in the outermost room, which being open to the air of the passages, I felt myself just able to breathe, but could not possibly imagine how animal life could be sustained in those within, from whence there issued sounds so beautifully plaintive, that I began to think the story of Orpheus was not fabulous, and that he was still at the gates of hell to bring back his Eurydice to the upper world. ¬We were now on the top of the staircase, (indeed we had never got any farther,) and in ¬a state ¬