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¬mother in her infancy, from an overturn at a horse-race, her education devolved upon my father, who is obliged on this occasion to put her under the protection of some kind female friend; now it happens most unluckily that this her Umdrumm," (pointing to a huge woman who stood near us,) " with whom she might go any where, and do any things being a martyr to corns, and somebody having trod upon them, she can accompany her no longer, and I am obliged to take care of her myself." This dilemma si- lenced, of course, all further objection, more especially when, on my speaking of another night for the remaining parties — " Another year, my friend, you must mean; to-night Witt end them all ; and, believe me, it would be little better than ruin to a young woman, after she tens once out, not to be seen every where ; — perple would naturally say she could not have been asked, and that, there must be some- ¬
thing against her character." ¬ To ¬