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¬rider had run away, the only living thing within at least half-a-mile that was moving faster than a snail. — I was told indeed that a large sum of money had been made by an un- dertaker, when the town was healthy, or when people had not time to die, by letting out his long- tailed amblers for this slow procession, who were accustomed to a pace which other horses could not manage. My friend was not at all hurt, and with an air of the utmost satisfaction, as I was lifting him off the ground, for nobody else could see him for the dust and smoke, he said to me with a smile, " I am not sorry for what has happened ; such things give incident and anecdote to the panorama, and are its high light and finish." " Very well," said I, " put- ting light wholly out of the question, any thing certainly that finishes such a scene must be satisfactory. Believe me I should pass for a liar or a madman if I were to say in England that I had seen all this or any thing resembling it." ¬We now went home to dress, as he had before ¬promised ¬