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¬On our nearer approach, the country still pre- served the same variety and beauty, if country it could any longer be called ; as it was rather a countless cluster of towns almost touching each other, in none of which I could discover any laborious arts or manufactures, but only im- mense numbers of decorated villas or cheerful village habitations, interspersed with shops of every useful description.— Reflecting here upon the public burthens, which the reader must well remember the account of in the former volume, I could not but be surprised to see an univer- sal face OF GAIETY, HAPPINESS, AND PLENTY. ¬We now came in sight of a fine river, and passed it by a bridge of incomparable structure, from which, on both sides, we discovered others of great magnitude and beauty, connecting the capital at various parts with other populous districts. ¬At last wc entered Swaloal; and after being wheeled along many noble streets, thronged ¬with ¬