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¬Would you, in short, have a man be like a bird, and sit whistling amongst those branches in the summer, instead of being in Swaloal — divine Swaloal ! where, would to Heaven ! we could be to-morrow ! — and here let me entreat you to re- member, if you speak of this place at all, (which I 'very much wish you would not,) that I only came here under my father's orders to shew it to you ; if you forget this I shall be com- pletely laughed at, as there are seven balls, four concerts, and thirteen private parties, all of which I have missed to-night by this damned stupid adventure : I ordered my servants to say I was in town, but ill of a sore throat; and though I wish our beds might be prepared for us, yet I am ashamed to put my letter into the post at such a distance from town, because the rascally country mark might dodge us ; let me beg of you therefore not to expose me." — Which I the more readily promised not to do, as he had sufficiently exposed himself. ¬Seeing at this moment an immense tree, resem- bling ¬