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¬companion laid down his arms at her feet, lament- ing that the siege had been so long protracted from the false idea that the lower world was be- yond the boundaries of her dominion. ¬I was deeply impressed with this interesting conversion, and have often since reflected upon it with delight. — Nothing indeed in the human character is so extraordinary, or, I might rather say, mysterious, as the manner in which the consciences of the most enlightened and virtu- ous men lie prostrate and dormant under the influence of some ruling passion, or where, from the neglect of public law or domestic education, some particular objects of humanity or justice have not been sufficiently implanted and en- forced. — Of the former, the divine eloquence of our sacred Scripture casts into the deepest shade every possible illustration : we there see a highly gifted Sovereign living in such general purity as to have been said to walk after God's own heart, yet sleeping in peace amidst the complicated crimes of cruelty, adultery, and ¬d 4 murder, ¬