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¬sure when cast off. When a person has once un- masked, his character, however well it may have been supported, is irretrievably at an end ; and nothing so suddenly beats down the effect of the best theatrical representation, as to go, though but for a moment, behind the scenes. I disap- prove, therefore, of your higher orders casting off their distinctions and dressing like their grooms; it is what we should in England call felo de se, because the levelling consequence is certain ; and I have heard, indeed, that at this very moment you are enacting the most severe laws to keep down your lower orders from advancing upon their superiors, when, from changes in ancient manners, and by throwing away the most popular distinctions, their supe- riors have been descending to them. ¬" Governments must be supported upon diffe- rent principles when their forms are different. — The social union of a republic is different from that of a monarchy. — Each may be equally ex- cellent, and equally consistent with national inde- pendence ¬ /n