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¬be the subject of very unpleasant remarks, who did not maintain his pre-eminence even in his most ordinary appearance, for the circulation of wealth, and the encouragement of ingenious arts. " I could almost swear," he replied, " that you were describing this very country even less than fifty years ago ; as I have heard from my father that, even in his time, persons of rank were stupid enough to wear lace and embroidery, and other expensive fabrics, in their daily habits, but we have a damned deal more taste now, and they are never beheld except in the palaces of princes, and when you see them there hereafter, you will think that, notwithstanding their absurd unwieldiness, the whole court was engaged in some distant military expedition, as every one of them wears a sword, and carries a kind of knap- sack upon his back. — I am happy, however, the subject has been started, as I should have been much distressed if you had been left for a mo- ment to imagine I had not intended to give you the full benefit of every distinction which a stranger of rank and honour ought to command." ¬He ¬ /n