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¬cumstancc, I should have been saved the great trouble of copying, tor printing, what I had written, and the public the still greater one of reading it. ¬I am sensible, indeed, that my remarks are much too short and general, when their objects are considered, and that many of a more interest- ing nature are omitted ; but the truth is, that though I saw enough in Armata to have filled many volumes, I could take no interest in any thing except the very little that had some kind of bearing upon the condition of my country; nor did I write a line but from a desire to make us feel more deeply the value of our admirable insti- tutions, to warn us against the abuses to which the wisest are subject, and to correct a very few mistakes which prevent our manners from being perfect. ¬In what relates to the last, I might have given a. powerful interest to my foreign adventures, by ill-natured allusions at home; but as it was my ¬wish ¬ /n