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¬to my description of the capital hereafter. He was a very handsome young man, highly accomplished, as I understood, according to the fashions of his day, and so full of spirits and life, that he had not been two minutes in the room, nor made any inquiries concerning me, when he seemed most impatient that we should go some where else, saying that the great ships were paying off, and that he would drive me down to the town near which I had been wrecked. I endeavoured to excuse myself, not being yet provided with the dress of the country, nor indeed with any other than that in which I had buffeted the waves and thumped against the rocks; but he would not hear of such an objec- tion.— " Sailors," he said, " went round and round the world, and saw people by turns in all dresses, and whole nations without any dresses at all, — that the admiral was his friend, and would be happy to see us." — He said all this in perfectly good English, which he had learned from his father and grandfather, and seemed so amiable and good naturcd that I thought it best ¬not ¬