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¬the eastern part of Germany. The further, indeed, we trace the connection with King Lud, the more it will fail us; as Ludgate could never be from thence, gate not being British ; and, what is still stronger, Ludgate was for- merly Leougate ; Leod, signifying in Saxon, folk or people, and the name of Leodgate, there- fore, with all due submission to King Lud, was given to this great public passage, as the folk's gate or entrance, the port am populi in that quarter of the city." ¬" You quite overpower me with your learn- ing," said Morven; " our great city, like Lon- don, has also changed its names and termina- tions, but as to the reason of those changes, I cannot even hazard a conjecture. — In very ancient times it was styled only Swalo, after- wards Swalomor, and in succeeding periods Swaloup, and Swalodun, or Swalodown; but, for a century at least, it has been univer- sally known by the name of Swaloal." — I asked here with some impatience, whether those ¬o 4 idem ¬