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¬presumption, that men who can work may find employment, will revive also ; and you may then, without inhumanity or injustice act up to, or even re-enact your ancient laws which limit the objects of relief to those whose activities from age, or from disease, or in short from any disabling infirmities have been destroyed. I know nothing, of course, of your various dis- tricts or of the burthens imposed upon them, but I should not be at all surprized if, from the very evils we have been discussing, the rates should be found to be greater in the agricultural than in the manufacturing departments ; because your husbandmen and country servants, of all descriptions, when employed upon lower wages or discharged from employment, would fall of course as burthens upon the places where their families were settled ; but on the renovation of agriculture the very reverse of this would immediately succeed, and the rates in these places would not only be the lowest, but would lead to universal reductions, because, as labour increased and extended, wages would extend ¬\ \ and ¬