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¬of society? — It would vanish like an enchant- ment. ¬" The curse of death was also revoked, not only by the promise of immortal life hereafter, but to deliver man at the very moment from the barrenness of the earth that was cursed. — With- out death, he might have toiled and sweated, but the ground would have yielded nothing ; death therefore was ordained to revolve with life in a mysterious and fructifying circle. — The cor- ruption of all created things returning into the bosom of nature, brings them back again to re- ward the industry of man. Every animal that dies ; all vegetables, and they have lives also, every substance which dissolves and becomes offensive, every heterogeneous mixture, which upon the surface would stagnate and become malignant, brought back by human wisdom into their allotted stations, become the future parents of a renovated world. ¬" Can we suppose then that God has per- formed ¬