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¬capital were flowing in various channels as a kind of irrigation of wealth through every nook and corner of your island, giving universal spirit to agriculture, and employment to millions who must become national burthens when it declines. ¬" You will now, of course, ask for the remedies, which appear to me as obvious as the evils to which they are to be applied. — You must not expect that remedial effects can be sudden, when the causes of your difficulties are con- sidered ; but if they are wisely adopted and firmly persevered in, I will warrant the result. ¬" The soil, then, of every country, and the bringing to the utmost perfection its various productions, are the foundations of all wealth and prosperity. — You might as well hope to see the human body in active motion when palsy had reached the heart, or a tree flourishing after its roots were decayed, as expect to see manu- factures, or arts, or industry of any description ¬pro- ¬