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CHAPTER XII. ¬In which the Author continues to deliver his Opinion upon the State and Condition of Armat a. ¬"Another momentous duty now presents it- self, and of a more pleasant character. — Whilst you are reducing your expenditure, every effort ought to be made, and, if possible, without the aid of new burthens, to regenerate the public estate, which neither in its value nor in any of its resources, has nearly reached its height.— From an inhabitant of another world you cannot expect details; but, founding myself upon your own statements, I will point out some manifest errors in your system, and advert to the most obvious remedies : ¬" In the first place, then, to enable a state to collect a great and direct revenue from the property of the people, it ought to be a grand object to make all collateral burthens press upon ¬them ¬