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¬" I am aware of the great difficulties which must attend a satisfactory execution of this momentous trust, but after what you have related of Armata, / cannot doubt the result. — On the contrary, a severe and unexampled pressure may open men's eyes to their real con- dition, and give such a simultaneous impulse to your government and people, as to make them act harmoniously and firmly, in devising and submitting to the measures necessary for the redemption of your affairs. ¬u In this grand process of restoration, it is of the first importance that the public mind should not take a wrong direction, looking for savings' which in the aggregate would be as nothing, whilst principles of justice, which are every thing, were disregarded. — Your retrenchments must not have the character of confiscations nor of revolutionary heat, and the different classes of your people, so happily blended as to have a common interest, must not be set at variance. — No justice can be done where irri- tation ¬