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¬whole country had reduced their establishments, the unemployed with their children fell of course upon the public; and the manufacturers and traders, whose customers now filled our poor-houses and our prisons, found out at last that God has so fashioned the world, that all his creatures must flourish or decay to- gether. ¬" Another evil of almost equal magnitude overhangs us. — We have a creature called the bletur, which is not only the perfection of ani- mal food, but whose covering, given it by na- ture, becomes when manufactured our own also, and for many ages has been the pride and wealth of our country- — -Would you then believe, that though other nations produce the same animals, at such an inferior price, from their climates and untaxed conditions, as to render all competition ridiculous; yet this raw material is suffered to be imported and worked up here, whilst the breeders of Armata can scarcely pay their shep- herds for the care of their flocks, and are every ¬where ¬