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¬" The collateral burthens, -which all equally press upon the people, rose in the same pro- portion ; and notwithstanding the universal boast of increasing- prosperity, the same minister found the poor supported by rates not much exceeding the sum of two millions, but left it more than Jive, which afterwards increased under his suc- cessors to nearly seven millions, still speaking in your English money. ¬" But other evils must be added. — To pro- duce an annual revenue of so vast an extent many taxes were resorted to of the most per- nicious character, particularly affecting the ad- ministration of justice ; and having thus closed the account of the taxes upon the living, I will conclude the subject with their dominion after death. ¬" The highest duty to government only twenty years ago, cither on wills or on inheritances, amounted to only sixty pounds, but now (except when the property vests in near relations or kin- dred) ¬
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