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¬wards to judge them. — In any other nation the consequences to the accused must have been fatal : but there is a talisman in Armata which, whilst it is preserved inviolate, will make her immortal— HER COURTS OF JUSTICE SPOKE ALOUD TO HER PARLIAMENT: —THUS FAR SHALT THOU GO, AND NO FARTHER. ¬" In returning to, or rather beginning an account of this extraordinary composition, whose author was only in metaphor brought before you, your surprize at its warlike stimulus will be increased, because I could have subscribed almost to the whole of it except in its remotest ¬APPLICATION. ¬" He set out by truly and perhaps seasonably observing, ' that men were not the insects of a summer, but beings of a superior order, the heirs of immortality — that they should therefore look upwards with pious reverence to their fathers, and downwards with anxious care to their pos- ¬u £ terity — ¬