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¬the end alarmed the people into a sense of the ruin they were rushing on ; hut, alas ! this very voice, which had breathed so happily the gentle accents of peace, was now heard louder than the trumpet of war, to collect our world to battle; spreading throughout the land an uni- versal panic, until the public councils com- plained of sedition, but the forum of the com- plaint only inflamed it. — Instead of leaving it to the sovereign, in the ordinary course of law, to bring the suspected to trial, the evidence was collected by the great public councils; was ex- alted into treason of the highest order, and published by their command. — It was no doubt within their jurisdiction, and was their highest duty to protect the state; to proclaim a con- spiracy if they believed it existed, and to direct prosecutions against the offenders; but it was repugnant to the very elements of the Armatian constitution, to involve individuals in the accu- sations, and to circulate amongst the people the accusing testimonies stamped with their supreme authority, when inferior tribunals were after- wards ¬