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¬flamed and dangerous character to the proceed- ings of many who had mixed themselves with this cause, demanding the most prompt vigi- lance of our government, and the firmest ex- ecution of the laws; but perhaps no man exist- ing was therefore so well qualified as himself to have changed those turbulent excesses, and turned them, upon his own principles, into a safer course; a duty which, without assorting himself unfitly, he had the happiest opportunity of fulfilling, through an association of his own equals in rank and eminence, who were then discountenancing by their influence and example every departure from the sound opinions and declarations recently published by himself in his own name, and widely circulated amongst the people : yet the birth of this very association, (as far at least as times coincide,) \vas made the signal of universal alarm, and a proclamation by his authority almost in- stantly followed, which being the obvious fore- runner of war, put wholly out of the question that politic and humane consideration for the ¬suf- ¬