— ♦ — PAGE 1, 3. Bronze Sword, Spear and Pin, found in Surrey 7 4. Bronze Celt, and Profile of do. found ibid *8 5. Urn from Brougliton, Hants *11 6. Cover of Cist, Binstead, Hants *12 7, 8. Sepulchral Cist, and Fictile Vessels found in it, at Binstead . . 12 9. Portion of a Pigeon-house, Boos, near Rouen t 15 10. View of the same *15 11. Decorative Coloured Brickwork, ibid. ... .... 16 12, 13. Seals of Aubrey de Vere, 1st Earl, and Hugo, 4th Earl of Oxford . 27 14. Seal of Robert de Vera, Earl of Oxford 26 15, 16. Seals of John de Vere, 7th Earl, and John, 13th Earl of Oxford . 28 Views of Chxirches in France : — X 17. Agnetz 65 18. Breuil le Vert 66 19. Cambronne 67 •20. Cauffry 68 21. Laigneville .68 22. Common Seal of Winchester 88 23. Counterseal of Winchester *S9 24. Silver Brooch, from Kii-by Ravensworth 90 25,. 26. Helmet, t. Richai-d II. Tower Armory. Two Cuts 93 27—29. Stone Objects, from Honduras Bay. Three Cuts 97 30. Inscribed Tablet, Stixwold Church •97 31. Bronze Object, from Chilton Bustle *106 32. Inscribed Relic of Bone, APRILIS *107 33, 34. Gold Pendant Ornament, from Palgrave *107 35. Ring Brooch, from Carisbrook *110 36. Incised Slab, from Cracow. John Kovilensky 113
- The Illustrations marked thus * are in the letter press. The remainder are to be inserted at the
pages indicated. ■X This and the following Illustrations are presented by the Rev. J. L. Tetit.